Many fruit trees that need to be pruned regularly and those that naturally lose their leaves are susceptible to sunscald as the bark has no protection from the sun. To prevent this, the Taitung District Agricultural Research and Extension Station (TTDARES) held the Fruit Tree Sunscald Prevention Demonstration Event on May 2, 2024, at the orchard of Yu Yingru, a member of the Beinan Production and Marketing Group No. 46, to explain and show how to prevent sunscald. The main formula is light calcium carbonate and white glue, which is applied to the bark from an air-blast sprayer vehicle. This reduces the temperature of the bark, in turn preventing cracking. It is a low-cost, safe, and convenient method. Lime and sulfur may also be added to the mixture as an anti-pest/disease measure. Attendees discussed the topic enthusiastically. The TTDARES hopes growers will pay attention to the problem of sunscald to ensure their trees stay healthy.