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TTDARES Holds “Indigenous-town Eco-friendly Farming and Annual Experimental Research Achievements Conference”


To highlight the features of the local agricultural industry and present related research achievements, the Taitung District Agricultural Research and Extension Station (TTDARES) of the Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan held the Indigenous-town Eco-friendly Farming and Annual Experimental Research Achievements Conference on January 17 at the TTDARES regional education center. A total of 156 farmers and personnel from government agencies related to the agricultural sector attended the informative event. In addition to talks given by experts and agricultural-related government personnel, major research achievements were presented. The objective of the event was to inspire ideas for research and innovation through exchanges among people of various sectors as well as to boost local agricultural industry development based on existing needs.

TTDARES Director Chen Hsin-yen stated that the event was focused on eco-friendly farming in indigenous towns with presentations revolving around three core areas of TTDARES work: special indigenous crops, early ripening, and organic LOHAS living. Council of Agriculture Deputy Minister Chen Junne-jih gave a speech in which he encouraged TTDARES staff, stating that Taitung is an important region for indigenous crops and organic farming. He affirmed the research achievements made and technology promotion conducted by the TTDARES, reminding farmers that the TTDARES is always happy to help with any questions they may have.

In addition to sharing about the research achievements, Director Chen stated that an aim of this event of exchange among people of various sectors will inspire innovative thought and momentum for greater research so as to allow the TTDARES to continue integrating local features. This will help make the local agriculture industry one of high added value while protecting the local ecology, strengthening the foundation of Taitung’s agricultural industry.


TTDARES Director Chen Hsin-yen hosts the Indigenous-town Eco-friendly Farming and Annual Experimental Research Achievements Conference. Council of Agriculture Deputy Minister Chen Junne-jih offers words of encouragement to TTDARES staff. Research achievement exhibits related to indigenous-town eco-friendly farming.

Dr. Yan Xin-fu of the National Museum of Natural Science talks about research on vegetables grown by the Amis tribe in Taitung. Dr. Zhang You-ming of the A-Zhaowu Natural Farming Fair shares on the promotion of and research on organic and eco-friendly rice cultivation. Chen Chang-cen, head of the Eastern Branch of the Agriculture and Food Agency, talks about an incentive program for growing certain crops.

Participants at the event.  

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