On the morning of January 30, Chairman Xie Qin-cheng of the Taiwan Agricultural Machinery and Biomechatronics Engineering Technology Development Association brought 50 people from the Quang Ninh Province Vietnam Fruit Tree and Aquaculture Knowledge/Technology Transfer/Service Training Class to visit the Taitung District Agricultural Research and Extension Station (TTDARES). While hosting the event, TTDARES Director Chen, Hsin-yen stated that due to the very unique geography of Taitung, the TTDARES began working on the development of machinery for use on sloped orchards long ago, and their achievements have proven very valuable. Afterwards, assistant researcher Huang Jeng-lung of the TTDARES Agricultural Machinery Lab gave a briefing on the fruits of years of agricultural machinery research while showing attendees some of the items that have been developed. The attendees were especially interested in the advanced research regarding the solar-powered insect trapper and electrostatic air-blast sprayer vehicle. Everyone gained a lot from the interaction, and the visitors greatly admired the work done and achievements attained by the TTDARES regarding local agricultural features and mechanization. They thanked the TTDARES for the wonderful visit and expressed hopes that more such opportunities for exchange would take place in the future.