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Bilingual Glossary

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Chinese English
鱖、桂花鱸 Siniperca chuatsi
沉子 Sinker
沉降力 Sinking force
沉降速度 Sinking speed
中美基金貸款 Sino-American Fund loan
埔里吸腹鰍 Sinogastromyzon puliensis Liang
竹聖、縊聖 Sinovacula constricta
蜿曲度 sinuosity
棕線管天竺鯛 Siphamia fuscolineata (Lachner)
變色管天竺鯛 Siphamia versicolor (Smith & Radcliffe)
吳氏管天竺鯛 Siphamia woodi (McCulloch)
星蟲 Sipunculida
賽芻豆 Siratro
無鬚鼬魚 Sirembo imberbis (Temminck & Schlegel)
姊妹鐵路 sister-railway

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