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Bilingual Glossary

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Chinese English
簡單重複序列 simple sequence repeat
簡單序列重複標記(SSR) Simple sequence repeat, SSR
模擬食品 Simulated food
模擬 Simulation
模擬研究 simulation study
中華搔病 Sinergasiliasis
火焰噴燒設備 Singeing Dehair
單胞藻 Single cell algae
單細胞蛋白 Single cell protein
單點核酸多態性 single nucleotide polymorphism, SNP
單一核苷酸多型性標記(SNP) Single nucleotide polymorphism, SNP
單拖 Single trawler
單紗 Single yarn
單波束探魚機 Single-stylus fish finder
大目孔 Sinibrama macrops (Gunther)

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