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Bilingual Glossary

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Chinese English
鰓趙妢l Shortening of gill covering
馬加鯊 Shortfin mako
尖吻鯖鯊、馬加鯊、煙仔鯊、灰鯖鮫 shortfin mako shark (Isurus oxyrinchus)
牛前腿心 shoulder cold
帶骨蹄膀 shoulder hock
肩胛排 shoulder riblets
截切蔬菜 shredded vegetables
蝦類養殖 Shrimp culture
蝦類需求 Shrimp demand
蝦病 Shrimp disease
蝦養殖 Shrimp farming
蝦漁業 Shrimp fisheries
蝦漁業 Shrimp fishery
蝦頭 Shrimp head

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