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Bilingual Glossary

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Chinese English
貝藻間養 Shellfish-algae interculture
貝介類 Shellfishes
避難處所 shelter
傘伐 shelterwood cutting; shelterwood felling
傘伐作業 shelterwood method; shelterwood system
帶狀傘伐 shelterwood-strip felling; strip shelterwood felling; shelterwood-strip cutting; strip shelterwood cutting
十八羅漢山自然保護區 Shih-ba-luo-han-shan Forest Reserve
石梯漁港 Shih-Ti Fishing Harbor
香菇 shiitake ; Chinese mushroom ; forest mushroom
船舶輔機 Ship auxiliary
船載重量 Ship capacity
拆船 Ship dismantling
船舶動力學 Ship dynamics
船用電力設備 Ship electric equipment
船舶主機 Ship engine

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