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Bilingual Glossary

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Chinese English
羊痘 Sheep Pox and Goat Pox
薄層侵蝕 sheet erosion
薄層蝕 sheet erosion
層狀沖蝕 sheet erosion
薄層水流 sheet flow
板樁式擋土牆 sheet-pile type retaining wall
耐性定律 Shelford’s law of tolerance
殼冰機 Shell ice machine
貝類 Shellfish
貝類採捕 Shellfish collection
貝類養殖 Shellfish culture
貝類病害 Shellfish disease
貝類採收機 Shellfish harvester
貝類脫殼機 Shellfish shucker
貝毒 Shellfish toxicity

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