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Bilingual Glossary

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Chinese English
海藻產品 Seaweed product
藻類 seaweeds
海蟲 Seaworm
裘納氏大目 Sebastes joyneri (Gunther)
白條紋石狗公 Sebastiscus albofasciatus (Lacepede)
石狗公 Sebastiscus marmoratus (Cuvier & Valenciennes)
三色石狗公 Sebastiscus tertius (Barsukov & Chen)
水土保持局第二工程所 Second Engineering Office, Soil and Water Conservation Bureau
二次切花 second-flowering spikes
二次災害 secondary disaster
次生林 secondary growth forest
次階代謝物質 secondary metabolic substances
次級生產力 Secondary productivity
再生原料 secondary raw materials
第二性徵 Secondary sexual character

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