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Bilingual Glossary

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Chinese English
常石狗公 Scorpaenopsis neglecta Heckel
綿羊搔癢症 Scrapie
網室栽培 screen-house culture
篩餘 Screening
螺旋輸送機 Screw Conveyor
螺旋壓榨機 Screw preser
螺旋式卸穀機 Screw Type Unloader
螺旋蠅病 Screwworm
貓鮫科 Scyliorhinidae
鋸緣青蟹, 紅尋、菜尋、青蟹 Scylla serrata
鋸緣青蟹、紅尋 Scylla serrata
海域 Sea area
鱸魚 Sea bass
鯛類 Sea bream
Sea bream

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