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Bilingual Glossary

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Chinese English
科技計畫 Science and Technology Program
科學管理 Science management
科學研究 Scientific research
科學工作流程 scientific workflow
接穗 scion
接穗 scion for transgraft
接穗生產 scion production
小黃薊馬 Scirtothrips dorsalis
硬化 Sclerosis
寬尾曲齒鮫 Scoliodon laticaudus Muller & Henle
雙帶赤尾冬 Scolopsis bilineatus (Bloch)
黃帶赤尾冬 Scolopsis cancellatus (Cuvier & Valenciennes)
白帶赤尾冬 Scolopsis ciliatus (Lacepede)
黑帶赤尾冬 Scolopsis dubiosus Weber
條紋赤尾冬 Scolopsis margaritifer (Cuvier & Valenciennes)

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