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Bilingual Glossary

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Chinese English
尖吻金鱗魚 Sargocentron spinifer (Forsskal)
棘金鱗魚 Sargocentron spinosissimus (Temminck & Schlegel)
人造衛星 Satellite
衛星天線 satellite antenna
衛星工廠 satellite factory
衛星影像 satellite images
衛星導航 Satellite navigation
衛星導航系統 Satellite navigation system
里山倡議 Satoyama Initiative
飽和脂肪酸 Saturated fatty acid
土壤飽和含水量 saturated water content of soil
天蠶蛾科 Saturniidae
蜥魚 Saurida
長蜥魚, 狗母 Saurida elongatus (Temminck & Schlegel)
絲鰭蜥魚 Saurida filamentosa Orilby

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