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Bilingual Glossary

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Chinese English
抽驗 sampling inspections
取樣方法 sampling method
取樣計畫 Sampling plan
聖迪馬斯量水槽 San Dimas flume
三條崙漁港 San-Tiau-Luen Fishing Harbor
紅目鱸 Sand Bass
紅眼沙鱸、紅目鱸、紅目、沙鱸 sand bass (Psammoperca waigiensis)
沙鮻 Sand borer Silver sillago
攔砂籬 sand control hedge
定砂 sand fixation
沙蝦 Sand shrimp
刀額新對蝦、沙蝦、蘆蝦、中蝦 sand shrimp / greasyback shrimp (Metapenaeus ensis)
沙蝦 Sand shrimp Greasyback shrimp
沙蝦苗 Sand shrimp larval

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