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Bilingual Glossary

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Chinese English
藍圓鰺、四破、硬尾、吧弄、巴攏、廣仔、甘廣 round scad / whitetip scad / deep-bodied round scad / Japanese scad / mackerel scad / mackerel sqad (Decapterus maruadsi)
洛克沙生 Roxarsone
蜂皇漿 royal jelly
衍生利益金/ 權利金 Royalty
反應曲面法 RSM
區域貿易協定 RTA
長尾濱鯛、長尾鳥、紅魚 ruby snapper / deep-water red snapper (Etelis coruscans)
網紋單棘魨 Rudarius ercodes Jordan & Fowler
菲律賓蛤仔 Ruditapes philippinarum
雜色蛤仔 Ruditapes variegata
瑞岩溪野生動物重要棲息環境 Ruei-Yan River Major Wildlife Habitat
瑞穗生態教育館 Ruisui Ecocenter
犬貓輸入檢疫作業辦法 Rules for the Importation of Dogs or Cats into Taiwan
森林火災救助種類及標準 Rules Governing Classification And Rates Of Relief Of Forest Fires

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