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Bilingual Glossary

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Chinese English
圓葉類 Rotala rotundifolia sp.
輪伐期 rotation
輪養 Rotation
輪作作物 Rotational crop
旋性流 rotational flow
輪蟲 Rotatoria
輪蟲 Rotifer
腐芽粒 rotten-germ kernels
鹿特丹公約 Rotterdam Convention on the Prior Informed Consent Procedure for Certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in International Trade ; PIC
稻榖 Rough rice
稻穀 rough rice ; paddy
糙率 roughness
臭肉鰮 Round herring
小鱗脂眼鯡、臭肉、臭肉鰮、鰮仔魚、圓眼仔 round herring / Pacific round herring (Etrumeus micropus)
金桔 / 金柑 / 金棗 round kumguat

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