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Bilingual Glossary

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Chinese English
犁頭紫] Rhinobatos hennicephalus Richardson
黑身管鼻鯙 Rhinomuraena quaesita Garman
叉頭燕魟 Rhinoptera javanica Muller & Henle
叉頭燕魟科 Rhinopteridae
根棲細菌 rhizobacteria
根瘤菌 Rhizobia
菊花莖腐病 Rhizoctonia solani
根莖 rhizome
根莖 Rhizomes
尖頭曲齒鮫 Rhizoprionodon acutus (Ruppell)
點鱊 Rhodeus ocellatus (Kner)
橘魚 Rhodeus spinalis
Rhodeus spinalis Oshima
紅藻 Rhodophyta
菱印魚 Rhombochirus osteochir (Cuvier)

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