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Bilingual Glossary

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Chinese English
白短印魚 Remora albescens (Temminck & Schlegel)
黑短印魚 Remora brachyptera (Lowe)
短印魚 Remora remora (Linnaeus)
遠隔式拍賣系統 Remote Auction System
遙控 Remote conrol
遠緣雜交 Remote hybridization
遙測 Remote metering
遙感探測 remote sensing
遙測;遙感探測 remote sensing
遙感 Remote sensing
無線監控 remote sensing & control
遙測 Remote Sensing ; RS
新興經濟體遙測資訊與作物保險組織 Remote sensing-based Information and Insurance for Corps in Emerging economies, RIICE
熬油 Rendering
化製場 Rendering Plant

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