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Bilingual Glossary

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Chinese English
流量-面積迴歸公式 regression formula of discharge-area
退行性變化 Regressive charge
管制區 Regulated area
管制有害生物 Regulated pest
調節血脂 regulating
整流工程 regulation works on torrent
農業用地興建農舍辦法 Regulations for agricultural lands constructing farmhouse
林產物伐採查驗規則 Regulations for Management of Protection Forest
保安林經營準則 Regulations for Protection Forest Managements
國有林林產物處分規則 Regulations Governing Disposition Of Forest Products Of National Forests
森林登記規則 Regulations Governing Forest Registration
獎勵經營林業辦法 Regulations Governing Incentives To The Forestry Management Industry
國家公園或風景特定區內森林區域管理經營配合辦法 Regulations Governing Management, Operation And Coordination of Forests Located within National Parks Or Designated Scenic Areas
製版權登記辦法 Regulations Governing Registration of Plate Rights
森林遊樂區設置管理辦法 Regulations Governing the Establishment and Management of Forest Recreation Areas

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