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Bilingual Glossary

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Chinese English
珍貴稀有野生動物 Rare and Valuable Species
惰性氣體 Rare gas
稀有植物 rare plant species
海珍品 Rare sea product
稀有種 Rare species
臺灣白魚 Rasbora moltrechtii Regan
網格式資料 raster data
福氏金帶花鯖 Rastrelliger faughni Matsui
金帶花鯖, 肥富 Rastrelliger kanagurta (Cuvier)
評等機構 Rating agency
率定曲線 rating curve
評估量表 rating scale
綠覆率 ratio of green coverage
逾期放款比率 Ratio of NPL
合理捕撈 Rational fishing

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