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Bilingual Glossary

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Chinese English
隨機擴增片段多形性標記(RAPD) Randomly amplified polymorphic DNA, RAPD
巡護人員 ranger
工作站 Ranger Stations
蛙科 Ranidae
旭蟹, 蝦姑頭、獅姑頭 Ranina ranina (Linnaeus)
長翻車魚 Ranzania laevis (Pennant)
紅螺 Rapana
油菜 rape
油菜 rape / canola / oilseed rape / cole
油菜籽粕 Rape seed meal
急速超低溫冷凍及真空包裝設備 rapid cryogenic freezing and vacuum-packing facilities
快速發酵 Rapid fermentation
速凍 Rapid freezing
急變速流 rapidly varied flow
珍貴稀有植物 Rare and valuable plants

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