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Bilingual Glossary

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Chinese English
隔離檢疫場所 quarantine premises
檢疫條件 quarantine requirements
檢疫處理 Quarantine treatment
逆溝鰺類、七星仔、棘蔥仔、鬼平、龜濱、龜柄 queenfishes (Scomberoides spp.)
問卷 questionnaire
速效性肥料 quick acting fertilizer
快速凍結 Quick freezing
速生樹種 quick growing trees
速食米 quick-cooking rice
生石灰 quiddime
尤金鯊 Quisquilius eugenius Jordan & Evermann
因卡鯊 Quisquilius inhaca (Smith)
馬來鯊 Quisquilius malayanus Herre
配額核配 quota allocation
rabbit / hare

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