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Bilingual Glossary

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Chinese English
圍網漁業 Purse seine fishery
圍網捕魚 Purse seine fishing
鯖鰺圍網 Purse Seine for Mackerel
鰹鮪圍網 Purse Seine for Tuna
圍網起網機 Purse seine winch
圍網船 Purse seiner
膿性卡他 Purulent catarrh
膿性滲出物 Purulent exudate
膿庖 Pustule
腐敗 Putrefaction
腐皮病 Putrid skin disease
錦紋棘蝶魚 Pygoplites diacanthus (Boddaert)
幽門盲囊 Pyloric caeca
除蟲菊 pyrethroids
哆醛 Pyridoxal

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