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Bilingual Glossary

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Chinese English
擬原球體 Protocorm-like body
巨鮸 Protonibea diacnthus (Lacepede)
原生質 Protoplasm
原生質融合 protoplast fusion
雛型 Prototype
原蟲病 Protozoiasis
修剪、剪枝 pruning
修枝;打枝;人工修枝 pruning
修枝 pruning
打枝 pruning; artificial pruning
扁桃仁(美國大杏仁) Prunus dulcis (almond)
嘉魚 Prychidio jordani Myers
紅眼鱸 Psammoperca waigiensis (Cuvier & Valenciennes)
水母鯧 Psenes arafurensis (Gunther)
印度圓鯧 Psenes indicus (Day)

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