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Bilingual Glossary

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Chinese English
粗放兼業式 primitive part-time engagement
主尺度 Principal dimention
鋸峰齒鮫 Prionace glauca (Linnaeus)
花錐塘鱧 Prionobutis koilomatodon (Bleeker)
事前通報同意 Prior informed consent (PIC)
先導篩選名單 priority list
定型渠道 prismatic channel
鋸鮫科 Pristidae
鋸鮫科 Pristiophoridae
日本鋸鮫 Pristiophorus japonicus Gunther
絲鰭姬鯛 Pristipomoides filamentosus
黃姬鯛 Pristipomoides flavipinnis Shinohara
小齒姬鯛 Pristipomoides microdon (Steindachner)
姬鯛 Pristipomoides sieboldii (Bleeker)
長崎姬鯛 Pristipomoides typus Bleeker

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