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Bilingual Glossary

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Chinese English
裝船前檢驗 preshipment inspection
增壓器 Pressure amplifier
受壓含水層 pressure aquifer
壓力中心 Pressure centre
壓力流 pressure flow
氣壓梯度 pressure gradient
壓力頭 pressure head
壓力式水位計 pressure sensor
壓力計試驗 pressuremeter test
預防 Prevention
防止黑變 Prevention of blackening
大眼鯛科 Priacanthidae
斑鰭大眼鯛 Priacanthus blochii (Bleeker)
紅目大眼鯛 Priacanthus boops (Schneider)
血斑大眼鯛 Priacanthus cruentatus (Lacepede)

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