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Bilingual Glossary

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Chinese English
多聚磷酸鹽 Polyphosphate
多倍體 Polyploid
多倍體育種 Polyploid breeding
聚丙烯纖維 Polypropylene fibre
多精受精 Polyspermy
聚乙烯醇纖維 Polyvinyl alcohol fibre
聚氯乙烯纖維 Polyvinyl chloride fibre
環紋棘蝶魚 Pomacanthus annularis (Bloch)
條紋棘蝶魚 Pomacanthus imperator (Bloch)
疊波棘蝶魚、天使魚 Pomacanthus semicirculatus (Cuvier & Valenciennes
雀鯛科 Pomacentridae
白點雀鯛 Pomacentrus albinaculus Allen
安朋雀鯛 Pomacentrus amboinensis Bleeker
細點雀鯛 Pomacentrus bankanensis Bleeker
霓紅雀鯛 Pomacentrus coceletis Jordan & Starks

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