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Bilingual Glossary

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Chinese English
鰻鯰科 Plotosidae
鰻鯰, 生仔魚、成仔魚 Plotosus anguillaris (Bloch)
翻耕機械 Ploughing machine
穴盤育苗 plug system seedling
穴盤 plug tray
優型樹 plus tree
選留樹 plus tree; select tree; superior tree
優型樹 plus tree; select tree; superior tree
小菜蛾 Plutella xylostella
氣力輸送機 Pneumatic conveyer
真空吸穀機 Pneumatic Unloader
肺炎 pneumonia
莢玉米 Pod corn
孔雀魚 Poecilia reticulata Peters

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