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Bilingual Glossary

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Chinese English
漿細胞 plasma cell
塑膠 Plastic
土壤塑性限度 plastic limit of soil
塑膠薄膜 Plastic sheet
設施栽培 plastic structure cultivation
萬隆燕魚, 粉鯧 Platax batavianus Cuvier & Valenciennes
尖翅燕魚 Platax orbicularis (Forsskal)
圓翅燕魚 Platax pinnatus (Linnaeus)
燕魚 Platax teria (Forsskal)
平板凍結機 Plate freezer
海台 Plateau
平台 platform
石鰈 Platichys bicoloratus (Basilewsky)
棘鰈 Platichys stellatus (Pallas)
牛尾魚科 Platycephalidae

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