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Bilingual Glossary

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Chinese English
人工栽植;栽植 planting
台壁植草 planting grass on risers
植穴 planting hole
成木植栽 planting of adult tree
栽植計畫 planting plan; afforestation plan; establishment plan
造林計畫 planting plan; afforestation plan; establishment plan; plan of silvicultural operations
栽植間隔 planting space; planting distance; spacing of plants
植樹間隔 planting space; planting distance; spacing of plants
栽植距離 planting space; planting distance; spacing of plants; espacement
種苗認證 planting stock certification
植栽工程 planting works
造林 planting; afforestation; forestation
造林 planting; afforestation; forestation
栽植 planting; plantation
綠化植物 plants used for revegetation

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