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Bilingual Glossary

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Chinese English
屏東林區管理處 Pingtung Forest District Office
林務局屏東林區管理處 Pingtung Forest District Office, Forestry Bureau
屏東種苗研究中心 Pingtung Seed and Seeding Research Center
斜鱗笛鯛 Pinjalo pinjalo (Bleeker)
蟯蟲 pinworm
先驅植物 pioneer plants
先驅種;先驅樹種 pioneer species;pioneer
管流 pipe flow
協力精 Piperonyl butoxide
捕撈學 Piscatology
魚蛭病 Piscicolosis
養魚 Pisciculture
波路荳齒蛇鰻 Pisoddonophis boro (Hamilton-Buchanan)
食蟹荳齒蛇鰻 Pisoodonophis cancrivorus (Richardson)
大浮漣 Pistia stratiotes

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