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Bilingual Glossary

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Chinese English
生理學 Physiology
生理組 Physiology Division, Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan
生理館 Physiology Building
植酸敫 Phytase
植酸鹽 Phytate
植酸 Phytic acid
植酸 Phytic acid ; Phytin
底棲植物 Phytobenthos
植物激素 Phytohormone
光分解作用 phytolysis of water
植物病理 Phytopathology
疫病 Phytophthora fruit rot
植物性浮游生物 Phytoplankton
植物檢疫證明書 Phytosanitary certificate
植物防疫檢疫措施 Phytosanitary Measure

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