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Bilingual Glossary

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Chinese English
理化特性 physicochemical properties
理化性狀 physicochemical properties
物理學 Physics
無鬚雉鱈 Physiculus inbarbatus Kamohara
日本鬚雉鱈 Physiculus japonicus Hilgendorf
喬丹氏雉鱈 Physiculus jordani Bohlke & Mead
紅鬚雉鱈 Physiculus roseus Alcock
土佐鬚雉鱈 Physiculus tosaensis Kamohara
生理生態學 physio-ecology
形相 physiognomy
生理障礙 physiological disorder
生理生態學 Physiological ecology
生理成熟伐採期 physiological maturity
生理成熟期 physiological maturity
生理研究 Physiological study

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