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Bilingual Glossary

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Chinese English
周期變化 Periodic variation
期刊 Periodical
彈塗魚 Periophthalmus
彈塗魚 Periophthalmus cantonensis (Osbeck)
腹膜炎 Peritonitis
圍管現象 perivascular cuffing
森林永久樣區調查 permanent forest plot investigation
永久樣區 permanent plot
永久解決方案 permanent solution
永久凋萎點 permanent wilting point
百滅寧 Permethrin
過氧化值 Peroxide value
紅柿 persimmon
牛心柿 persimmon (Niou-sin)
甜柿 persimmon (Soft)

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