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Bilingual Glossary

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Chinese English
油棕核粕 (棕櫚核粕) Palm kernel meal
棕櫚油 Palm oil
沙蠶 Palolo worm
銀鯧 Pampus argenteus
銀鯧, 正鯧、暗鯧 Pampus argenteus (Euphrasen)
灰鯧 Pampus cinereus
蒸發皿係數 pan coefficient
歐洲葉蟎 Pananychusulmi,European Red Mite
黑白航空照片 Panchromatic Photograph(Black / White)
胰澱粉敫 Pancreatic amylase
胰脂肪敫 Pancreatic lipase
胰臟壞死 Pancreatic necrosis
長額蝦科 Pandalidae
食味檢定 panel test

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