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Bilingual Glossary

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Chinese English
苛螺 Oyster drill
秀珍菇 oyster mushroom
蠔菇/ 秀珍菇 oyster mushroom
蠔油 Oyster oil
牡蠣產量 Oyster production
蠔油 Oyster sauce
蠔殼粉 Oyster shell (meal)
牡蠣 Oysters
臭氧 Ozone
長尾粉介殼蟲 P. adonidum
圔葛氏粉介殼蟲 P. gahani
番石榴粉介殼蟲 P. minor
馬拉巴栗 Pachira macrocarpa
太平洋黑鮪、黑甕串、黑鮪、黑暗串 Pacific bluefin tuna (Thunnus orientalis)
太平洋 Pacific ocean

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