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Bilingual Glossary

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Chinese English
有機甜瓜 organic melon
有機氮 Organic nitrogen
果園有機經營研究室 Organic Orchard Management Laboratory
有機溶劑 organic solvent
有機介質 Organic substrate
有機蔬菜栽培區 organic vegetable cultivation area
有機蔬菜農場 organic vegetable farm
有機蔬菜供應及調配管理資訊系統 Organic Vegetable Supply and Coordination Management
有機蔬菜 organic vegetables
國際產業精神文化促進會 Organization for Industrial, Spiritual, and Cultural Advancement International ; OISCA-International
法人科專 Organization TDP
東方美人茶 Oriental Beauty tea
國蘭 oriental cymbidium
國蘭又稱為小花蕙蘭、東洋蘭 oriental cymbidium;Chinese cymbidium
東方果實蠅 Oriental fruit fly

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