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Bilingual Glossary

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Chinese English
壞疸性腸炎 Necrotic enteritis
需求 needs
負湧浪 negative surge
倍氏沙條鮫 Negogaleus balfouri (Day)
大口沙條鮫 Negogaleus mmacrostoma (Bleeker)
小口沙條鮫 Negogaleus mmicrostoma (Bleeker)
鄧氏沙條鮫 Negogaleus tengi Chen
內洞國家森林遊樂區 Neidong Forest Recreation Area
自游生物 Nekton
絲鰭塘鱧 Nemateleotris magnificus Fowler
線形動物 Nemathelminthes
線蟲 Nematoda
線蟲 Nematodes
線蟲病 Nematodiasis
日本水滑 Nematolosa japonica Regan

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