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Bilingual Glossary

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Chinese English
錨蟲寄生症 Anchor worm infection
錨蟲症 Anchor worm infestation, Lernaeid infestation
錨定擋土牆 anchorage type retaining wall
固著氣官 Anchoring organ
鯷魚魚油 Anchory feed fat
溫漁業 Anchovy fishery
鱙仔 Anchovy Japanese anchoue
盤鉤蟲病 Ancylodiscoidiasis
安達曼海 Andaman Sea
雄配子 Androgamete
雄〔性〕激素 Androgen
產雄的 Androgenous
雄原細胞 Androgonium
雌雄同體 Androgyny
雄質 Androplasm

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