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Bilingual Glossary

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Chinese English
胭脂魚 Myxocyprinus asiaticus
黏液纖維瘤 Myxofibroma
黏液瘤 Myxoma
兔傳染性黏液瘤 Myxomatosis
黏液肉瘤 Myxosarcoma
黏體蟲病 Myxosomosis
黏包子蟲病 Myxosporidiasis
細胞分裂素 N6-Benzyladenine
抗壞血酸鈉 Na-Ascorbate
泛酸鈉 Na-Pantothenate
那德威克宣言 Naaldwijk Declaration
輸出入‧港灣關聯資訊處理系統 NACCS
珍珠層粉 Nacreous layer powder
釘接金屬隅板 nailed steel gusset
綿羊奈洛比病 Nairobi Sheep Disease

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