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Bilingual Glossary

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Chinese English
中國單棘魨 Monacanthus chinensis (Osbeck)
孟寧素 Monensin
監控、控制及偵察 Monitor, Control and Surveillance, MCS
監測 Monitoring
觀測站 monitoring station
監測系統 monitoring system
動植物指標物種監測工作 monitoring work of indicator flora and fauna species
磷酸氨 Monoammonium phosphate
松毬魚科 Monocentridae
松毬魚 Monocentris japonicus (Houttuyn)
赤尾冬、紅尾冬仔、紅奇黑仔、紅歌里、海鯽仔、海鮘仔、赤海鮘 monocle breams (Scolopsiss spp.)
單源抗體 monoclonal antibody
單一栽培 monoculture
單養 Monoculture
單核球 monocyte

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