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Bilingual Glossary

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Chinese English
鎖管、小管、小卷、透抽、中卷 mitre squid (Uroteuthis chinensis)
河蟹養殖 Mitten crab culture
混合玉米 Mixed corn
混合玉米 Mixed cron
混合飼料 Mixed feed
複合肥料 mixed fertilizer, compound fertilizer
混合魚溶粉 Mixed fish soluble meal ; Compound fish soluble powder
混合飼料價格穩定方案 Mixed Food Price Stabilization Program
混交林 / 混淆林 mixed forest, mixed stand
混合線 Mixed netting twine
混植 mixed planting, companion planting
混合繩 Mixed rope
混合調味 Mixed seasoning
混合高梁 Mixed sorghum
混合機 Mixer

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