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Bilingual Glossary

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Chinese English
虱目魚餌 Milkfish bait
虱目魚養殖 Milkfish culture
虱目魚養殖 Milkfish farming
虱目魚苗 Milkfish fry
虱目魚子魚 Milkfish larvae
虱目魚池 Milkfish pond
白米 milled rice
胚芽米 Milled rice with embryo
千禧年挑戰機構 Millennium Challenge Corporation
千禧年發展目標 Millennium Development Goals
碾白 milling
碾糙率 milling yield of brown rice
尖身 Mimasea taeniosoma Kamohara
含羞草胺酸 Mimosine

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