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Bilingual Glossary

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Chinese English
滿月圓國家森林遊樂區 Manyueyuan Forest Recreation Area
花鰻鱺、鱸鰻、花鰻、烏耳鰻、土龍、黑鰻 marbled eel / giant mottled eel (Anguilla marmorata)
斑駁尖塘鱧、筍殼魚、雲斑尖塘鱧、黑咕嚕、土鮒、竹殼仔、九鯡 marbled sleeper / marble goby (Oxyeleotris marmorata)
淺蜊 Marcia hiantina
成年母馬 mare
馬立克病 Marek,s disease
馬立克病 Marek’s Disease
珍珠蚌 Margaritana
螺獅 Margarya melanioides
安全界限 Margin of safety (MOS)
海水養殖 Mariculture
海藻 Marine algae
海洋動物 Marine animals
海洋細菌 Marine bacteria
海牛肉 Marine beef

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