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Bilingual Glossary

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Chinese English
夏威夷果 macadamia nut
楠櫧林帶 machilus-castanopsis forest zone
機器視覺 Machine Vision
農機試驗工場 Machinery Pilot
農機研究室 Machinery Research Office
鯖魚 Mackerel
鯖漁場 Mackerel fishing ground
鯖科 mackerels / tunas (Scombridae)
Mackerels Spotted chub mackerel
黑背笛鯛 Macolar nigar (Forsskal)
桑粉介殼蟲 Maconellicoccushirsutus
主要礦物質 Macro mineral
淡水蝦,沼蝦 Macrobrachium
日本沼蝦 Macrobrachium nipponensis

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