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Bilingual Glossary

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Chinese English
淋巴結 lymph node
淋巴管瘤 Lymphangioma
淋巴系統 Lymphatic system
淋巴囊腫症 Lymphocystis disease
淋巴囊腫症 Lymphocystis virus disease
淋巴球 lymphocyte
淋巴球 Lymphocytes
淋巴性貽轉 Lymphogenous metastasis
淋巴瘤 Lymphoma
淋巴肉瘤 Lymphosarcoma
滲漏測定計 Lysimeter
離胺酸 Lysine
溶菌梅 Lysozyme
麻竹筍 Ma-bamboo
夏威夷果 macadamia

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