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Bilingual Glossary

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Chinese English
廣鼻曲齒鮫 Loxodon macrorhinus Muller & Henle
低病原性禽流感 LPAI
蘆蝦 Lu shrimp Southern rough shrimp
西海竿鯊 Luciogobius saikaiensis Dotu
大紅葉 Ludwigia perennis
葉底紅類 Ludwigia sp
絲瓜 luffa / sponge gourd
絲瓜-學名 Luffa cylindrica
鹿林山野生動物重要棲息環境 Lulinshan Major Wildlife Habitat
成材 lumber; merchantable timber
發光 Luminescence
光照度 Luminous intensity
牛結節疹 Lumpy Skin Disease
月相 Lunar phase

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