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Bilingual Glossary

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Chinese English
農業產銷班及班員貸款 Loan for Agriculture Production and Marketing Groups and members
農業節能減碳貸款 Loan for Agriculural Energy Conservation and Carbon-emissions Reduction
擴大家庭農場經營規模協助農民購買耕地貸款 Loan for expanding the family farm to support Farmers Buyong Land
農機貸款 Loan for farm Machinery
農民經營改善貸款 Loan for farmers and fishermen in Guidance and assistance of Management Improvement
輔導漁業經營貸款 Loan for Fishery Industry in Guidance and Assistance of Management
改善財務貸款 Loan for Improving the Farmers' Finance
提升畜禽產業經營貸款 Loan for Livestock and Poultry Industry in Improving the Management Efficiency
小地主大佃農貸款 Loan for small Landlord and TenantPolicy
農漁會事業發展貸款 Loan for the Business Development of Farmers’and Fishermen’s Association
山坡地保育利用貸款 Loan for the Hillside Field Conservation
青年從業創業貸款 Loan for YouthsEstablishingAgricultural Businesses
應予觀察放款 Loan subject to observation
泛歐數位式行動通訊系統 lobal system for mobile communication
松鯛 Lobotes surinamensis (Bloch)

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