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Bilingual Glossary

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Chinese English
地景保護 landscape protection
景觀保護 landscape protection
風景保安林 Landscape protection forest
景觀尺度 landscape scale
景觀結構 landscape structure
崩塌 landslide
崩塌地分析 landslide analysis
堰塞湖 landslide dam
崩塌潛感圖 landslide susceptibility map
燈籠病 Lantern disease
蘭陽溪口水鳥保護區 Lanyang River Mouth Waterbird Refuge
兔化豬瘟疫苗 Lapinized hog cholera virus
前棘單棘魨 Laputa cingalensis Fraser-Brenner
豬油 Lard ; Pork fat
豬油粕 Lard pulp

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