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Bilingual Glossary

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Chinese English
海帶病害 Kelp disease
海帶食品 Kelp food
墾丁國家森林遊樂區 Kenting Forest Recreation Area
墾丁高位珊瑚礁自然保留區 Kenting Uplifted Coral Reef Nature Reserve
墾丁高位珊瑚礁自然保留區 Kenting Uplifted Coral Reefs Nature Reserve
六稜鎧魨 Kentrocapros aculeatus (Houttuyn)
球形角膜 Keratoglobus
錐形角膜 Keratokonus
重要績效評鑑指標 Key Performance Index ; KPI
客雅溪口及香山溼地野生動物重要棲息環境 Keya River Mouth and Sianshan Wetland Major Wildlife Habitat
腎臟 kidney
腰豆/腎豆 kidney bean
腎臟病 Kidney disease
克育草 Kikuyu grass

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