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Bilingual Glossary

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Chinese English
鐵中毒 Iron intoxication
輻射處理酵母 Irradiated dried yeast
灌溉 irrigation
定砂灌溉 irrigation for sand stabilization
非旋性流 irrotational flow
大鱗鱎 Ischikauia macrolepis macrolepis Regan
海島 Island
島弧 island arc
浪花等銀漢魚 Iso flosmaris Jordan & Starks
等壓線 isobars
日本准鷹斑鯛 Isobuna japonica (Steindachner & Doderlein)
同工梅 Isoenzyme
等鹽線 Isohaline
等雨量線法 isohyetal method
等雨量線 isohyetal method

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